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D.9 Staffing and culture


  1. Rule 45 of the Detention Centre Rules 2001 sets out general duties for officers in immigration removal centres (IRCs), which include that:

“At all times the treatment of detained persons shall be such as to encourage their self-respect, a sense of personal responsibility and tolerance towards others.”1

  1. During the relevant period (1 April 2017 to 31 August 2017), G4S and the Home Office did not provide a sufficiently caring, secure or decent environment for detained people or staff at Brook House. As Professor Mary Bosworth (the Inquiry’s cultural expert) observed, there were:

“significant questions about the relationship between care, trust, and security in Brook House and about the extent to which staff in Brook House treated detained people with dignity or decency”.2

  1. The culture at Brook House, particularly among staff, set the tone for interactions with, and the treatment of, detained people. This chapter assesses evidence of a toxic culture during the relevant period, including the ‘prisonisation’ of Brook House and the dehumanisation of detained people, which reflected a number of staffing and cultural issues.


  1. Detention Centre Rules 2001, Rule 45(6[]
  2. INQ000064_007 para 2.6; see also para 3.15 regarding the lack of respect for other staff[]
