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C.2 D1234 on 28 March 2017

  1. D1234 is a Nigerian national1. The Inquiry did not receive a witness statement from him or any medical records dated before 28 March 2017. As such, relatively little is known about his history.
  2. I have made factual findings in relation to this incident, despite the fact that it occurred three days prior to the start of the relevant period. I have done this for the following reasons:
  • The incident occurred only marginally outside of the relevant period; D1234 was detained during the relevant period; and a referral was made on behalf of D1234 to the Home Office Professional Standards Unit (PSU) on 30 June 2017, during the relevant period.2
  • This complaint raised very serious allegations about D1234’s treatment: D1234 complained of multiple injuries being caused by staff – by the use of handcuffs, hitting his head on the floor, violently turning his head causing his neck to crack, holding his throat, and violently stamping on his toes.3
  • Video footage was received by the Inquiry about the incident.4


  1. HOM002496_001[]
  2. HOM002750_003 para 1.1[]
  3. HOM002492_002[]
  4. CJS0073730 [Disk 23 S1940003]; CJS0073731 [Disk 23 S1940004]; CJS0073732 [Disk 24 28 March2017]; CJS0073729 [Disk 23 S1940002][]
