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Relevant expert evidence

  1. In her first report, the Inquiry’s cultural expert, Professor Mary Bosworth, referred to the conversation between Mr Stokes and Mr Tulley.1 She commented that the words Mr Stokes used suggested that he had become desensitised to the distress of the men in his care.
  2. The Inquiry’s use of force expert, Mr Jonathan Collier, said that he was not aware of the ‘mirroring technique’ described by Mr Webb and that it was not something that was covered in training. He added that, in situations where staff are attempting to de-escalate a situation, they should be demonstrating that they are:

“Someone who is in control of the situation, that’s willing to engage, that doesn’t resort to swearing, bad language.2


  1. INQ000064_009-010 paras 2.17-2.18[]
  2. Jonathan Collier 30 March 2022 185/22-186/25[]
