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C.8 D390 and D1851 on 5 June 2017

  1. D390 and D1851 are both Nigerian nationals. They shared a cell at Brook House for approximately one and a half months.1
  2. D390 did not provide evidence to the Inquiry. D1851 was detained at Brook House between April and July 2017.2 In his witness statement to the Inquiry, D1851 explained that he found Brook House a very stressful environment to live in and that his mental health diminished as a result. He described feeling acute fear, anxiety and stress, and not being able to sleep.3 It is not apparent from D1851’s medical records that he ever reported these symptoms to the Healthcare team at Brook House.4


  1. DL0000095_001[]
  2. DL0000143_001 paras 1 and 2[]
  3. DL0000143_025 para 93[]
  4. DL0000088[]
