Experts to the Inquiry
Professor Mary Bosworth
Professor Mary Bosworth is the Director of the Centre for Criminology and Fellow of St Cross College at the University of Oxford. She has conducted extensive research into daily life within the detained environment, including immigration removal centres (IRCs). Her recent work has included a study at Brook House IRC. Professor Bosworth has a particular interest in the relationships between IRC staff and detainees, and in the role of race and gender within the culture of IRCs.
Dr Jake Hard
Dr Jake Hard is a GP with substantial experience of clinical practice within the detained environment. He has a particular interest in substance misuse. He has been a member of the RCGP (Royal College of General Practitioners) Secure Environments Group since 2007 and has been the Chair since 2016. He is the Clinical Lead for the Health Justice Information Service project with NHS England Health and Justice. He is Medical Director for prisons at CRG (Castlerock Recruitment Group) Health Services.
Mr Jonathan Collier
Mr Jonathan Collier is an expert in the use of force in custodial settings. He has over 25 years’ experience as a use of force instructor in prisons and immigration detention environments, including extensive experience in developing policy and procedures in both settings. He has particular knowledge of incident management and governance of use of force at all levels. Mr Collier has also acted as an expert witness in a number of high-profile inquests into deaths in custody.